Synthetic Biology (LSM3246)

The ability to rationally engineer living cells has been a long-anticipated goal dating back for more than half a century. With the advent of DNA synthesis and genome engineering tools, biological systems can now be systematically designed for a myriad of industrial applications including disease prevention, biochemicals production and drug development. This module aims to provide basic principles to the engineering of biology with emphasis on the design and construction of synthetic gene circuits in living cells. The module also discusses current and emerging applications driven by synthetic biology, and the socio-ethical responsibilities that are required of synthetic biologists.
(Prerequisite: LSM1102 or LSM1106 relevant to life sciences or biomedical sciences)
Practical Synthetic Biology (LSM3247)
Synthetic biology is the science of engineering biology, and is very much an experimental science. Building on the basic principles of synthetic biology introduced in the theoretical module LSM3246, this module aims to emphasize on the experimental techniques required for (i) the design, construction and regulation of synthetic metabolic pathways, (ii) the production of value-added biochemical, and (iii) the sensing of substrates and metabolites in living cells. The module also introduces advanced experimental protocols including CRISPR-Cas genome editing tools that are revolutionizing fields in life and biomedical sciences.
(Prerequisite: LSM1102 or LSM1106 relevant to life sciences or biomedical sciences.)